Our Junior Kindergarten program consists of one classroom with its own dedicated restroom. Students are taught by one teacher who is supported by a teacher’s aide. The classroom is equipped with a full range of educational materials encouraging traditional subject learning such as reading, writing, science and mathematics; as well as rotating experiential learning centers such as a kitchen and dress-up area which encourage imaginative child-led play. The class shares an outdoor play area, dedicated to younger children, with the Kindergarten class.
A child must be four years old by September 1 to start school in August (children generally spend one year in Junior Kindergarten before moving on to Kindergarten). We enroll a maximum of 24 Junior Kindergarten students, and when the capacity of the class has been reached, no new students will be admitted.
According to state law, immunizations must be completed by the time a child enters school. Before beginning Junior Kindergarten, a child must also be toilet-trained, ready to separate from their primary caregivers, and willing to interact positively with children and adults. We aim to nurture the child's interests by providing a balance of social-emotional learning and academic tasks.
Our Kindergarten program consists of one classroom with its own dedicated restroom. Students are taught by one teacher who is supported by a teacher’s aide. The Kindergarten academic program builds on the Junior Kindergarten experience, and begins to incorporate more teacher-led instruction and interactive lessons. The Kindergarten learning environment provides an introduction to the academic and social emotional learning that will continue in the elementary grades. Kindergarteners have their own Chromebook lab.The class shares an outdoor play area, dedicated to younger children, with the Junior Kindergarten class.
We enroll a maximum of 30 Kindergarten students, and when the capacity of the class has been reached, no new students will be admitted. St. Aloysius Junior Kindergarten students typically fill a majority of Kindergarten openings. Selection of new students follows the following prioritization: siblings of current students, children on our school waiting list, new applicants not on the school waiting list.
The Brigance K Screen is administered to children before they are accepted into Kindergarten. Parents may place their child’s name on a list of those to be tested by calling the school office at (559) 686-6250. Typically, a child is five years old by September 1 to start school in August. However, younger students may be admitted dependent upon performance on the Brigance K Screen and the discretion of school administration.
According to state law, immunizations must be completed by the time a child enters school. Before beginning Kindergarten, a child must also be toilet-trained, ready to separate from their primary caregivers, and willing to interact positively with children and adults. We aim to nurture the child's interests by providing a balance of social-emotional learning and academic tasks.