A classroom isn’t the only place where learning can occur. At St. Aloysius, we are committed to offering our students with dynamic and engaging learning environments where they can experience engaging, hands-on practical application of their lessons.
God’s Green Garden is St. Aloysius School’s on-campus, student-led garden. In 2009, students, families and community of St. Aloysius School came together to build the school garden. It’s approximately 6,000 square feet, and features individual garden beds for each class, a large center bed for seasonal produce which surrounds a flag pole, an extended perennial bed with a host of shade trees, fruit-bearing trees, and a grapevine-covered arbor, and an herb garden surrounding a fountain and seating wall.
The garden was established as an outdoor classroom, to engage students in applied activities in mathematics, science, art, language arts and history, as well as cooking. Though its purpose extends far beyond that: It serves to educate students on how their food goes from “farm to fork” and creates in them a connection to the agricultural process and product, and it has become a popular social gathering spot for students as well as Parents’ Club activities.
Students are actively involved in the garden, participating in planting, weeding, harvesting, and selling of the various crops at periodic Farmers’ Markets. These donation-based Farmers’ Markets are held in the garden after school, or outside of St. Aloysius Church after Sunday Masses. Proceeds from the Farmers’ Markets sometimes benefit the garden fund (for necessary supplies), but most often are donated to local, national or international charities. Since 2009, more than $7,000 has been donated to those in need.
Donations of fresh produce have also been delivered to local organizations such as Lighthouse Rescue Mission, The Salvation Army, Tulare Emergency Aid, and Hanford Soup Kitchen.
Moreover, the opportunity to purchase personalized engraved bricks provides an ongoing fundraising benefit for the garden.
Our campus library features 1000+ books appropriate for every stage of our students' learning levels. From classics to modern popular series, our library offers endless opportunities for our students to explore different worlds and experience the joy of reading.
Students benefit from scheduled library time as a class in addition to their individual visits. Modular tables and chairs allow for various seating and group working configurations to suit students' needs.